Galerie Gefängnis Le Carceri, Bolzano, IT *PlugIn ICA, Winnipeg CA 2004 Scope Art, New York USA 2003 *Canada Cultural Centre, London UK Miami Art Fair USA Mall Galleries, London UK 2002 Art Forum, Berlin DE *Christopher Cutts Gallery, Toronto CA 2001 *Galway Art Centre, IE Art Forum Berlin DE 2000 *Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, London UK Art Forum Berlin DE 1999 *Christopher Cutts Gallery, Toronto CA 1998 Reeds Wharf Gallery, London UK Curwen Gallery, London UK 1996 *Musee Adzak, Paris FR Acte de Naissance, Valencienne FR 1995 *Smelik & Stokking, The Hague NL 1994 Contemporary Art Centre, Martigny CH AWARDS 2000 Heritage Lottery Fund Millenium Festival-engage-and the campaign for museums